The Joint Standing Committee on Treaties has tabled a report recommending the ratification of the Security Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en Matière d’Armement) (OCCAR) on the Protection of Classified Information (the Agreement).
OCCAR is a European inter-governmental organisation that Australia participates in that coordinates defence equipment procurement and management programs. The Agreement establishes security measures to protect classified information generated from activities between Australia and OCCAR Member States.
Committee Chair, Ms Lisa Chesters MP, said ‘Australia currently has to create interim security arrangements for each OCCAR program that we participate in. Ratifying this Agreement will create permanent security arrangements to protect Australia’s classified information and ensure our ongoing participation in OCCAR programs.’
‘This Agreement facilitates the sharing of classified information generated from OCCAR programs and protects it to a mutually agreed standard. The Agreement does not oblige Australia to share its classified information and allows our continued engagement with OCCAR-managed programs such as the Boxer Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle, Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter, and the MU90 Impact Lightweight Torpedo.’
The Committee supports ratification and recommends that binding treaty action be taken.
The report also contains the minor treaty actions Amendment to the Loan Agreement between Australia and the International Monetary Fund and the Amendment to the Annex to the Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic Convention 1965.
The report can be found on the Committee website, along with further information on the inquiry.
Media enquiries
Ms Lisa Chesters MP, Chair
Kate Sutherland, Parliamentary Program Manager
03 5443 9055
For background information
Committee Secretariat
02 6277 4002
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