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Research identifies barriers and enablers to effective truth-telling initiatives

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A new report highlights the need for significant capacity building to enable meaningful and safe participation in truth-telling.  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples highlight truth-telling as a much-needed step toward recognition and reconciliation. But new research highlights uncertainty among non-Indigenous Australians about truth-telling, how it is conducted, and how to participate. The report, Coming to … Continued

Examining the untapped potential of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses

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The Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs (JSCATSIA) has commenced a new inquiry into improving the economic self-determination and opportunities for First Nations Australians. The Committee is interested in learning about opportunities and impediments to training, employment and business development, as well as building the economic and social infrastructure to support economic prosperity … Continued

Political leaders, cultural figures and Elders urge Tanya Plibersek to reject approval for largest part of Woodside’s Burrup Hub expansion

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A host of political heavyweights including a former ALP Federal Opposition Leader, former ALP National Secretary and two former ALP Premiers of Western Australia have written to Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek urging her to oppose expansion of Woodside’s Burrup Hub gas project due to its emissions impact on the climate and sacred Murujuga rock art. … Continued

Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme transitioning to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community control

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Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA), alongside partners the National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners (NAATSIHWP) and Rural Doctors Network (RDN), is excited to be announced as the successful provider of the Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme (PHMSS), as the scholarships transition to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community control … Continued

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equity and justice still needs to be progressed: 15th annual Close the Gap Campaign report

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The Close the Gap Campaign is proud to release our fifteenth Annual Report, Voyage to Voice, Treaty, Truth and Beyond. Included are nine case studies that highlight the work of outstanding leaders and organisations in our communities who share their journeys and successes in closing the gap. The report’s subthemes: Progressing Voice, Treaty, Truth; Leadership … Continued

‘Click and pay for whites only, no credit for black fellas’: First Nations shoppers slam ASIC decision to cut off Centrepay

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Urban Rampage, the lifeline retail network for remote Indigenous communities in rural Australia, says the Australian Securities & Investments Commission’s (ASIC) decision to maintain an interim stop order on the company’s Centrepay facility indefinitely while it considers the matter is having a disastrous impact on its First Nations customers.   Centrepay is a long-standing Commonwealth … Continued