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Super-ageing: defining exceptional cognitive ability in late-life

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Research led by UNSW Sydney’s Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA) has highlighted the need for clarity when defining late life cognitively high performers, which could ultimately inform strategies to help prevent the development of dementia. Super-ageing refers to the elite group of individuals who manage to maintain varying degrees of midlife levels of capability … Continued

New Centre to support ‘optimal’ ageing

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A new Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre based at Monash University aims to boost research and training to nurture a holistic, preventative and user-empowered system to support Australia’s ageing population.    It is projected that there will be 10 million Australians over the age of 60 by 2060. Many Australian organisations are trying to meet … Continued

Being embedded and on-site enhances pharmacists’ quality use of medicines activities at aged care facilities

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A new study by Monash University suggests being on-site and truly embedded within the interprofessional aged care team provides greater opportunities to support resident- and system-level improvements in quality use of medications.  In 2022 the Australian Government announced a national rollout of embedded on-site pharmacists in all Government funded residential aged care facilities (RACFs). This … Continued

Dementia is Not Just About Memory Loss

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We focus too much on memory loss in relation to dementia and not enough on difficulties with identifying emotions in social situations, according to researchers from UNSW Sydney’s Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA) and the MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development at Western Sydney University. The perspective paper, published in Frontiers of Psychiatry, … Continued

Ita Buttrose AC OBE Appointed Chair of CHeBA Advisory Committee

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UNDER EMBARGO: 00:00 Monday, 23 October 2023 On 22 October 2012, after three decades of complementary and collaborative research, Professor Henry Brodaty AO and Professor Perminder Sachdev AM officially joined forces to mark a new direction in dementia research, with the launch of the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA). Eleven years later, newly appointed … Continued


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  Ageism Awareness Day is today Saturday the 7th October and it’s a great excuse to remind all Australians of the harmful and damaging effects of stereotyping, discrimination and mistreatment directed towards older Australians.The recognition of this day was pioneered by EveryAGE Counts which is Australia’s national campaign against ageism. Ageism Awareness Day has now … Continued


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MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAGEISM AWARENESS DAY THIS SATURDAY 7TH OCTOBERCALL FOR A NATIONAL PUBLIC EDUCATION CAMPAIGN ON AGEISM Ageism Awareness Day has been designated for this Saturday 7th October to remind all Australians of the harmful and damaging effects of stereotyping, discrimination and mistreatment directed towards older Australians.The recognition of this day was pioneered … Continued


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MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAGEISM AWARENESS DAY THIS SATURDAY 7TH OCTOBERCALL FOR A NATIONAL PUBLIC EDUCATION CAMPAIGN ON AGEISM Ageism Awareness Day has been designated for this Saturday 7th October to remind all Australians of the harmful and damaging effects of stereotyping, discrimination and mistreatment directed towards older Australians.The recognition of this day was pioneered … Continued