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Voices of 38 migrant and refugee women added to Vic Govt Inquiry into Women’s Pain

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Wellsprings for Women, in collaboration with Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE), has submitted a detailed and impactful report to the Victorian Government’s Inquiry into Women’s Pain. This submission draws on the lived experiences of 38 migrant and refugee women from Southern Melbourne, highlighting critical barriers to healthcare and offering comprehensive recommendations for improvement. … Continued

New training addresses gender-based violence in creative industries

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Media release – EMBARGOED UNTIL TUESDAY 30TH JULY, 6AM  Women’s Health Victoria and The Aunties have today launched an Australian-first training to transform how mentors in the advertising industry respond to disclosures of gender-based violence.  ‘Support Talk’ is an online video-based training designed to equip mentors with the skills and confidence to respond to disclosures … Continued

Expert Alert: Women’s Health in the South East CEO responds to Minister for Health update on Inquiry into Women’s Pain

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As the Victorian Minister for Health announced yesterday that 12,000 women and girls in Victoria have already shared their voices in the Government’s Inquiry into Women’s Pain, Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) and other Victorian Women’s Health Services are still listening and responding to women sharing their experiences.   Kit McMahon, CEO WHISE said, … Continued

Menopause relief in the spotlight thanks to Monash University-led studies

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Improved support and treatment for women experiencing serious physical and/or mental symptoms during menopause is the goal of innovative Monash University research.   The cutting–edge program is assessing hormone level changes, the impact of menopause, and the possible benefits of testosterone treatment for issues like muscle deterioration and early heart failure.   Professor Susan Davis, … Continued

ActionAid welcomes the historic judgment of the ICJ

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ActionAid welcomes the historic judgment of the court, which has declared that the Israeli Government’s continued occupation of the Palestinian territory is unlawful.   The ICJ concluded that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territory constitutes systematic discrimination, and that its legislation and measures in the West Bank and East Jerusalem breach international conventions … Continued