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Microplastics mega problem this World Ocean Day

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EMBARGOED 12:01AM MEDIA RELEASE Saturday 8 June 2024 Microplastics mega problem this World Ocean Day Microplastics are the ‘new face’ of Australia’s marine plastics crisis, making up a quarter of all items littering the nation’s urban habitats – more-than 10 times ‘traditional offenders’ like plastic bags and bottles – the past three years. This is … Continued

Microplastics mega problem this World Ocean Day

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EMBARGOED 12:01AM MEDIA RELEASE Saturday 8 June 2024 Microplastics mega problem this World Ocean Day Microplastics are the ‘new face’ of Australia’s marine plastics crisis, making up a quarter of all items littering the nation’s urban habitats – more-than 10 times ‘traditional offenders’ like plastic bags and bottles – the past three years. This is … Continued

National Foundation for Australian Women gender lens analysis of the 2024 Federal Budget: Shows progress but lacks ambition.

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NFAW’s 2024 Federal Budget gender lens analysis (password: GL202425) finds that the budget’s initiatives only partially reflect the ambition outlined in the Government’s Working for Women—A Strategy for Gender Equality, released in March.  While there are some commendable efforts to include gender impact analysis, particularly women’s careers in the Future Made in Australia program, it has not yet been fully integrated across the entire … Continued

Aged care innovation a fantasy without urgent reform

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  MEDIA RELEASE   20 May 2024 Aged care innovation a fantasy without urgent reform   Australia’s hopes of innovation in aged care have suffered a major setback after the Federal Government failed to respond to the recommendations of the Aged Care Taskforce report in its 2024 Budget, according to award-winning aged care provider McLean … Continued

Our thoughts on the Government’s $300 power rebate

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Last week’s Federal Budget brought with it some interesting news: starting July 1, 2024, every Australian household will enjoy a $300 rebate on their energy bills, which we’ll automatically apply to reduce your costs. At Energy Locals, we’re thrilled to see Australians receiving a bit of financial breathing room after the heavy cost-of-living pressures we’ve … Continued

Builders respond to Budget Reply

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16 May 2024 Building enough homes for all Australians is again at the centre of Federal policy decisions, with the Opposition’s Budget reply acknowledging the critical importance of addressing housing supply challenges, said Master Builders Australia CEO Denita Wawn. “To solve the housing crisis, we need to see action beyond the housing portfolio with skills, … Continued

Placement poverty does not discriminate across professions

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Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand (Medical Deans) welcomes the recognition of the financial impact that clinical placements have on students, especially in the midst of cost-of-living and accommodation cost rises. The introduction of the Commonwealth Prac Payment for those studying nursing, midwifery, and social work, is a positive development. However limiting the payment to … Continued

Support at home for people with terminal illness – a birthday lottery?

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The 2024 Federal Budget represents the continuation of some critical programs within the palliative care sector, however the opportunity for bolder, deeper change has been kicked further down the road.  “The two-year funding extension for the Comprehensive Palliative Care in Aged Care (CPiAC) measure is a $25 million investment that has been welcomed by the sector,” says Camilla … Continued

A bucket full of shiny things won’t displace a barrel full of pain

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Federal Budget Media Release 16/05/2024   The federal budget attempts to appease struggling households with a few hand-outs, while maintaining the underlying drivers of per capita recession, says Sustainable Population Australia president Peter Strachan. “The main reason Australia’s post-Covid inflation is more persistent than in other developed countries is our run-away population growth, sending rents … Continued

National Foundation for Australian Women responds to the 2024 Federal Budget: A more ambitious and comprehensive action plan is needed

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*The Gender Lens, which provides insights and a detailed commentary on the 2024-25 Federal Budget, will be available from 27 May 2024 via CANBERRA – The National Foundation for Australian Women (NFAW) acknowledges the strides made in the 2024 Federal Budget towards advancing gender equality, as announced by Treasurer Jim Chalmers. While celebrating notable … Continued