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RBA’s “new look” meetings could mean more drastic rate increases

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An economist from RMIT University is available to talk about the outcome of the RBA’s first “new look” meeting for 2024.   Dr Nataliya Ilyushina, Research Fellow, Blockchain Innovation Hub and ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society  Topics: RBA, interest rates, cost of living, tax cuts, inflation  “Rising rates and prices in Australia … Continued

Media alert: Federal Politics

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  As Federal Parliament resumes, experts from La Trobe University are available to discuss the political year ahead. Dr Nicholas Barry Senior Lecturer Politics at La Trobe UniversityE: M: 0418 940 259   Dr Barry can discuss the following topics: Analysis of the current and future political landscape in Australia How the recent tax reforms … Continued

TALENT ALERT: Fuel efficiency standards settings announced by Federal Government – case studies and experts available

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MONDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2024: The Federal Government has announced their draft proposal for the design of fuel efficiency standards.     The following spokespeople are available for comment; experts for comment on policy (all also double up as case studies), case studies can talk to the benefits of EV ownership and current barriers when purchasing an … Continued

Strong fuel efficiency standards good for people and planet

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ACOSS welcomes the Australian Government’s proposals released on Sunday for strong fuel efficiency standards on new vehicles and calls for complementary measures to help people on low incomes access more fuel-efficient cars. “Strong fuel efficiency standards for new cars are critical to reduce emissions causing climate change, reduce people’s transport costs, and improve health,” said … Continued

LOCATION CHANGE – Media conference: renewables make farmers money

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Who: 15 farmers will discuss how renewable energy has helped make their farms financially sustainable. Farmers for Climate Action will also release regional polling on the issue.   NOTE THIS PRESS CONFERENCE IS NOW IN THE MURAL HALL   LOCATION: Mural Hall, Australian Parliament House, 10am Monday, 5 February.   Media contact: Les White 0409805122 … Continued

Australia finally joins rest of developed world on new vehicle efficiency standards

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The Electric Vehicle Council has today congratulated the federal government on driving Australia into the global mainstream through the introduction of New Vehicle Efficiency Standards, promising greater choice and lower fuel bills for Australian motorists. New Vehicle Efficiency Standards (NVES) incentivise car manufacturers to ensure all new cars they sell, on average, meet benchmarks for … Continued

Call for nominations for the Jeannie Ferris Award to recognise outstanding contributions to improving equity of cancer outcomes

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On World Cancer Day, 4 February 2024, the Australian Government is calling for nominations for the 2024 Jeannie Ferris Award (the Award). The award aims to acknowledge the accomplishments of individuals dedicated to improving equitable outcomes for all Australians affected by cancer.  The Jeannie Ferris Award is named in honour of the late Jeannie Ferris, … Continued

RE-Alliance response to AEIC community engagement review

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Today the Community Engagement Review by Australia’s Energy Infrastructure Commissioner (AEIC) was released, with Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen accepting the recommendations “in principle”.   Lines attributable to Andrew Bray, National Director of RE-Alliance “The review provides a nuanced discussion of the issues communities and developers face as they manage energy infrastructure development … Continued

ATO launches free online learning support for small businesses

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The ATO has launched a new online learning platform offering free courses to help small business owners master their tax and super obligations. The ‘Essentials to strengthen your small business’ website includes more than 20 short courses and a calendar of key lodgment due dates to support small businesses. Deputy Commissioner Will Day said the … Continued