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Australia’s online gambling laws among the weakest in the world – Industry exploiting weak laws to groom children for a life of gambling

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New analysis of online-gambling laws across the world has revealed Australia has one of the weakest regulatory regimes on the planet as many countries across Europe and Asia move to reduce gambling harm. And our status as an international laggard on regulating online gambling is allowing the gambling industry to “groom” young people through the … Continued

House Economics Committee to focus on financial sector competition in upcoming APRA hearing

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The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) will appear at a House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics public hearing on 2 June 2023. APRA will be discussing the Review of the APRA Annual Report 2022 as well as giving evidence to the Inquiry into promoting economic dynamism, competition and business formation. Chair Dr Daniel Mulino MP said that with the committee investigating … Continued

eSafety Commissioner makes final decision on world-first industry codes to better protect Australians online

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Australia’s eSafety Commissioner has made the decision not to register two of eight online safety codes drafted by the online industry as they fail to provide appropriate community safeguards to deal with illegal and harmful content online.   New mandatory codes will cover key sections of the online industry and operate under Australia’s Online Safety … Continued

$450m Crown fine would fund 10 years of gambling harm reduction – AUSTRAC action underscores need for a national gambling regulator

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The record $450m AUSTRAC fine against Crown Casinos could fund more than a decade of critically lacking gambling harm reduction measures and support services, the chief executive of the Alliance for Gambling Reform, Carol Bennett, says. Ms Bennett applauded the fine against Crown for money laundering, arguing it was a watershed moment that highlighted the … Continued

Delving into diabetes

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The broader impacts of diabetes on Australia’s health system and economy, and recent advances in the prevention and management of this significant health condition, will be the focus of a new inquiry by the House Health Committee. The Chair of the Committee, Dr Mike Freelander MP, stated: ‘Diabetes is the world’s fastest growing chronic health condition, currently … Continued

Delving into diabetes

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The broader impacts of diabetes on Australia’s health system and economy, and recent advances in the prevention and management of this significant health condition, will be the focus of a new inquiry by the House Health Committee. The Chair of the Committee, Dr Mike Freelander MP, stated: ‘Diabetes is the world’s fastest growing chronic health condition, currently … Continued


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On Friday 26 May at 2.15pm, the Federal Court in Melbourne handed down its decision on the Rex Patrick v Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) case, the long-awaited challenge to the lengthy delays that plague freedom of information (FOI) requests.   The Court has held that the Information Commissioner has a duty to make a decision … Continued

Palliative Care Pharmacist Training gets green light

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Pharmacists will enhance support for patients receiving palliative care thanks to a new Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) training program announced as one of the successful recipients of the Australian Government’s National Palliative Care Projects grants program. The Palliative Care Pharmacist Foundation Training program will upskill pharmacists and improve their capacity to provide palliative care. … Continued

Safe access to contraception must be a priority

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26 May 2023 A Senate Committee report into sexual and reproductive healthcare has supported the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s (PSA’s) call for pharmacists to play a greater role in improving safe access to contraceptives. The Report tabled by the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee, Ending the postcode lottery: Addressing barriers to sexual, maternity and reproductive … Continued

ACN welcomes Senate report on universal access to reproductive healthcare

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MEDIA RELEASE 26 May 2023 ACN welcomes Senate report on universal access to reproductive healthcare The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) today called on the Government to work with nursing groups and leaders to increase access to reproductive healthcare in Australia, following the release of the Senate Community Affairs References Committee report on its Inquiry … Continued