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The NSW areas hardest hit by rent rises

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Homelessness New South Wales has called for greater investment in social housing as bond lodgement data reveals the areas hardest hit by rising rents. The data, which records rental prices when new tenants lodge their bonds, shows rents have gone up 9.1 percent in Greater Sydney and 5.2 percent in the rest of NSW over … Continued

Shark nets return again despite overwhelming opposition

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30 AUGUST 2024 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   In brief  The NSW Government must fast track its consultation with local councils and communities   Shark nets do not prevent shark bite. More effective modern methods are already in place at our beaches.   A one-month shortening of the shark net season to protect turtles still leaves … Continued


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New water and air monitoring programs could be included in conditions on Cadia gold mine’s operations following the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s (EPA) recent public consultation and review of its environment protection licence. The statutory five-yearly review, which received over 90 submissions, is the next step in the EPA’s ongoing work with the local community … Continued

NSW Vocational Education & Training Review Welcomed By Skills Training Providers

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  The Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA) has welcomed the release of the NSW VET Review Final Report 2024.  According to ITECA New South Wales, this report represents a significant and much-needed step towards integrating traditionally separate skills training and higher education sectors into a cohesive and aligned tertiary system. The report’s focus on providing … Continued

Education union welcomes new flexible policy for teacher professional development

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Friday 16 August 2024  Education union welcomes new flexible policy for teacher professional development The IEU applauds today’s announcement by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) giving teachers much broader scope in meeting their professional development (PD) requirements. The changes provide much greater flexibility than the narrowly mandated priority areas put in place by the … Continued


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What: Child protection workers hold protest   When: 12.30   Where: 181 Anson Street, Orange   Why: Child protection workers walk off the job over child safety   Contact: 0405 285 547   Press Release:    Child protection workers walk off the job over child safety in Orange   Child protection caseworkers will stop work … Continued


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What: Child protection workers hold protest   When: 12.30   Where: 181 Anson Street, Orange   Why: Child protection workers walk off the job over child safety   Contact: 0405 285 547   Press Release:    Child protection workers walk off the job over child safety in Orange   Child protection caseworkers will stop work … Continued

PSA sounds alarm on workers compensation crisis in child protection

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210 NSW child protection caseworkers – or 9% of the total workforce – are currently absent due to workers compensation claims, further fuelling a crisis in which four out of five children identified as being at “risk of serious harm” are not being seen.   The damming statistic exacerbates the problem of 233 positions (or … Continued