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New migrant worker protections to help smash workplace exploitation

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Unions NSW has declared new safeguards for migrant workers on temporary visas as a huge victory in the fight against workplace exploitation after years of campaigning for the changes.  This week, the federal government’s two-year trial of a ‘workplace justice visa’ has officially gone live meaning exploited temporary migrant workers can now stay in Australia … Continued

NSW refuses to accept that population is key driver in biodiversity loss

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  Population size and growth are the key drivers in NSW biodiversity decline and continues to be ignored by those responsible for the protection of our environment, according to Sustainable Population Australia (SPA).  SPA national president Peter Strachan says the NSW Environment Minister, Penny Sharpe, should pay heed to the 2022-23 NSW State of Environment … Continued

International Student Caps Need To Be Introduced In a Consistent & Transparent Fashion

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  Should the Australian Government move forward with its troubled plan to introduce international student caps, the caps should be applied transparently and agnostic to provider type.  That’s the advice pgiven to the Australian Government by the Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA), the peak body representing independent providers in the skills training, higher education, … Continued

Skills shortage solution already here with 620,000 hidden workers ready to be activated

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  The key to easing Australia’s skills shortages could be closer to home than anticipated, with new research commissioned by non-profit SSI showing more than 620,000 migrant workers already in the country do not have the opportunity to fully use their skills.  Despite typically having higher qualification levels than their Australian-born counterparts, almost half (44%) of … Continued

620,000 hidden workers offer untapped solution to national skills shortage

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Industry and community sector leaders from LinkedIn, Allianz Australia, Diversity Council of Australia, Business NSW and Business Western Sydney are coming together on world Refugee Day, June 20, to launch Australian first research revealing over 620,000 skilled migrants already living in Australia could provide an untapped solution to national skills shortages if they were able to … Continued

620,000 hidden workers offer untapped solution to national skills shortage

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Industry and community sector leaders from LinkedIn, Allianz Australia, Diversity Council of Australia, Business NSW and Business Western Sydney are coming together on world Refugee Day, June 20, to launch Australian first research revealing over 620,000 skilled migrants already living in Australia could provide an untapped solution to national skills shortages if they were able to … Continued

Thrive Refugee Enterprise releases latest economic findings on its refugee clients contributing over $60Million to the Australian economy. Results of annual Thrive Client Impact Survey show improved business confidence.

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During Refugee Week Australia — Tuesday 18th June 2024 – Thrive Refugee Enterprise (Thrive), the Australian NGO enabling refugees with finance and planning support to start their own business, today released its latest client economic findings that adds more than 750 small businesses to the Australian economy, contributing over $60Million per annum. Huy Truong, Thrive … Continued

Thousands of Australians call for an end to rapid population growth

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  Many well-known and respected names such as Dick Smith AO, economist Leith van Onselen and Emeritus Professor Ian Lowe, have joined over twelve thousand Australians to sign a position statement calling for the stabilisation of Australia’s population. Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) National President, Peter Strachan, said the Position Statement went public in the last … Continued

Don’t stop immigration – just reduce it

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With immigration soaring to stratospheric heights above 10,000 per week, there have been calls to halt immigration, at least until housing and infrastructure catch up. Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) says it just needs to be reduced, not eliminated altogether.  Immigration is only an issue because it is the main contributor to population growth and, therefore, … Continued

Sustainable Population Australia welcomes new WA President

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  Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) has welcomed Metallurgist and corporate analyst Peter Strachan as its new president. Former leader of the Australian Democrats Dr John Coulter has also been appointed SPA’s sixth Patron. Mr Strachan is well known in the Perth community and has been active in the population debate for 45 years.  For 17 … Continued