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Human Rights Group Marches in Protest to Demand RANZCP End Dangerous Coercive Psychiatric Practices, in step with WHO and UN

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Sunday, 19 May 2004: Scores of protesters marched on the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) Annual Congress in Canberra over its support for electroshock therapy, psychiatric restraints, forced drugging, and involuntary detainment. The protest was organised by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a mental health industry watchdog. CCHR demands … Continued

Monash experts: World Schizophrenia Awareness Day 2024

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Friday 24 May is World Schizophrenia Awareness Day, an annual day dedicated to raising awareness of the severe mental health condition that affects over 20 million people worldwide.  Schizophrenia is a complex brain condition which can be challenging to treat. Experts from Monash University are available for comment. Professor Chris Langmead, Director of the Neuromedicines … Continued

Restricting access to pornography for young people is not the definitive solution to sexualised violence.

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In an era where digital landscapes dominate the lives of young people, fostering knowledge, resilience and digital literacy stands as paramount. Sexual Health Victoria (SHV), a leading authority in sexual health education, underscores the importance of providing young people with the tools to navigate the complexities of online content, particularly in the realm of pornography. … Continued

Drought, flood, stock prices – now add ketamine, cocaine and alcohol: this is one farmer’s story. And he’s not alone.

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Broken Hill farmer turned Lifeline Ambassador Brendan Cullen talks to Sarah Grynberg on LiSTNR’s STORIES OF US and it’s tough …   In this week’s episode of Stories of Us, farmer Brendan Cullen shares his upbringing on a sheep station in regional Australia. Growing up on Mount Westwood near Broken Hill, he recalls carefree days … Continued

“It’s a thinking problem. Not a drinking problem!”

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Georgia Foster is coming to Sydney this weekend to help locals learn how to drink less through hypnosis and her ‘7 days to drink less’ program.    “One of the most common types of feedback I get after hypnotherapy sessions is, “Georgia, I wish I had met you in my twenties! I could have saved … Continued

When menopause and eating disorders collide, help is now available

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A new online resource developed by Monash University researchers will help women navigate eating disorders during perimenopause and menopause, when symptoms can become both distressing and hard to tell apart.   Senior clinical psychologist and eating disorders expert Associate Professor Gemma Sharp, from the School of Translational Medicine, led the resource’s development, in collaboration with … Continued