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Roar into September school holidays to explore history

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These school holidays bring the kids to explore the past with dinosaurs taking over Tulmur Place, First Nations history at the Ipswich Art Gallery and knights and mummification workshops at Ipswich Libraries! Dinosaur Discovery will be running in Tulmur Place all holidays with dinosaurs that come alive with sound and movement.  There will also be … Continued

Aviation White Paper a missed opportunity to strengthen protections for Australian airline customers

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Australian Frequent Flyer, Australia’s largest online community of frequent flyers, welcomes the announcement of an Aviation Industry Ombuds Scheme in the federal government’s Aviation White Paper. However, Australian Frequent Flyer members believe the Aviation White Paper should have gone a lot further to strengthen consumer protections for passengers who they say have been treated poorly by … Continued

Travelmarvel launches extensive range of Australian tours for 2025

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Premium tour operator Travelmarvel is thrilled to announce the launch of its 2025 Australia program, offering a range of itineraries and destinations across the country with a variety of travel styles to choose from. Every tour has been expertly crafted, with the best travel style chosen to capture the essence of each destination.   On … Continued


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RACV Noosa Resort has been proudly supporting local not-for-profit charity, Wildlife Noosa, over the past two years with a combined donation of $10,000, helping the organisation to expand its efforts in wildlife rescues and conservation. The resort’s $5,000 donation in 2024 allowed Wildlife Noosa to fit its pontoon boat with the necessary equipment required to … Continued

Chatswood StreetFair – North Shore

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노스 쇼어에서 가장 큰 이 길거리 축제는 음악, 음식, 게임, 어린이를 위한 액티비티 등 새로운 볼거리와 행사들로 가득할 것입니다. 9월 7일 토요일 오전 10시 30분부터 시작되는 거리 퍼레이드를 시작으로 수백 명의 지역 단체 회원들이 채스우드 CBD를 통해 앤더슨 스트리트와 빅토리아 애비뉴를 따라 더 콩코스(The Concourse)를 지나 채스우드 체이스(Chatswood Chase) 근처까지 춤과 노래를 부르며 행진할 것입니다. … Continued


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北岸地区最大型的街头派对将带来全新特色和丰富活动,包括音乐、美食、游戏和亲子互动。 9 月 7 日(星期六)上午 10:30,一场盛大的街头巡游将拉开序幕,数百名社区团体成员将载歌载舞地经过 Chatswood CBD,沿 Anderson Street 和 Victoria Avenue 一路行进,经过The Concourse,最后抵达 Chatswood 的 Chase 附近。 巡游将为这一整天的丰富活动、表演、美食和娱乐拉开帷幕。 Willoughby 市议会市长 Tanya Taylor 表示,今年的活动安排更加新颖多样,精彩纷呈。 Taylor 市长表示:“从美食车、零售摊位、音乐表演,到适合全家游玩的游乐设施、可爱的动物和爬行动物园、马戏团活动和电子游戏,无论你是什么兴趣或年龄段,都能在这里找到乐趣。” 亮点活动包括: 上午 10 点起,The Concourse Upper Podium 将举办马戏团活动和充气城堡 上午 10 点起,Spring Place 将展出可爱的小动物和爬行动物园 上午 11:30 起,Chatswood CBD 的三个舞台—— Anderson Street North、The Concourse 和 Spring Street,将同时举行音乐表演 下午 1:30 起,Anderson Street North … Continued

Chatswood Street Fair –

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街頭派對將在 9 月 7 日星期六上午 10 點 30 分開始。首個活動是街頭遊行,來自各社區團體的數百名成員將載歌載舞,沿著 Anderson Street 和 Victoria Avenue 穿過 Chatswood 中央商務區,然後經過 The Concourse,最後在 Chatswood Chase 附近結束。 遊行標誌著一天精彩活動的開始,包括各種示範演示、美食和娛樂活動。 Willoughby 市議會市長 Tanya Taylor 表示,今年的活動别出心裁,更加令人興奮和多樣化。 Taylor 市長表示,「美食車、零售攤位、音樂表演、適合家庭的遊樂設施、毛茸茸的小動物和爬行動物園、馬戲團活動和電子遊戲,讓所有年齡段的人都能找到自己感興趣的活動」。 精彩活動包括:  從上午 10 點開始,The Concourse Upper Podium 將有馬戲團活動和充氣城堡 從上午 10 點開始,Spring Place 將有毛茸茸的小動物和爬行動物園 從上午 11:30 開始,Chatswood 中央商務區的三個舞台將進行音樂表演,舞台地點:Anderson Street North、The Concourse 和 Spring Street 從下午 1:30 開始,Anderson … Continued

Lush gardens, ‘natural music’ and a signature scent: Reflections raises the bar in camping amenities

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In a complete reimagining of the design and feel of standard camping amenity blocks, Reflections Holidays is launching the first of its new biophilic-designed amenities, which promote wellbeing by incorporating elements that connect guests to nature, in Forster. Opening this summer, the new amenities at Reflections Forster Beach feature a large and central landscaped garden, … Continued