Media release | Monday September 11 2023
ACOSS welcomes the agreement between Labor and the Greens to pass the Housing Australia Future Fund through the Senate.
ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie said: “The agreement to pass the HAFF, including additional funding for community and public housing, provides a strong outcome for low-income tenants.
“It is important that the HAFF serves as a floor for action on housing because it is not the whole solution, and more needs to be done to make meaningful inroads on the housing crisis.
“ACOSS continues to call on the government to invest directly in constructing 25,000 social and affordable homes per year for 10 years.
“People are one rent rise away from losing their homes, while others are forced to sleep in their cars or tents because housing is simply not affordable.
“While the HAFF is vital to helping address housing affordability, people on JobSeeker and other income support payments will remain forced to choose between buying food and paying their bills unless the rate is raised to at least $78 a day.”
Contact details:
Georgie Moore
0477 779 928