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Illawarra fishers called to keep Elliot Lake and Bensons Creek clean this weekend

OzFish Unlimited 2 mins read

OzFishUnlimited - Australia’s fishing conservation charitytogether withNSW DPI Fisheriesare calling onrecreationalanglersto help clean up Elliot Lake and Bensons Creek this December 10th, 2023.  

Through thestatewideKEEP IT CLEANinitiative, both organisations want to see as many anglersget involved. 

“No one wants to catch a plastic bag whenthey’reout on the waterand we know the impactslittercan have on local wildlifeand marine life. Clean-ups like thismake for a better fishing experience for all involved,” said JonathonBleakley,OzFishUnlimitedspokesperson.  

“Rec fishers seethe impacts of litter.Andit’snot always rec fishinglitterthatwe’recleaning up butbygetting involvedfishos areinspiring others tothink local andcreate change.   

“Wesimplyneed anglersto come down andgive a few hoursto better the local environment,”said Jonathon.  

Volunteerscan meet the clean-up crew at Warilla Sports Club, Barrack Heights at 10am. Look out for the OzFish signage.OzFishwill supply all the necessary equipment for the clean-up to takeplace butareencouragingvolunteers to bring water andwearsun-safeclothing. 

Prizes and giveaways will also be up for grabs.  

Thiscommunityevent is alsoan Yabby Trap Drop Spot.Anglers can bring downtheir operahouse yabby traps and swap it for afreeOar-Gee Plow lureto support sustainable fishing. Opera house nets are now illegal in NSW and those collected will be recycled into usefulfishing products. 

Registration is essentialfor the event.Head over to

Keep it Clean is a partnership withOzFishand the NSW Department of Primary Industries.It is made possible through funding by the Recreational Fishing Trusts and Marine Estate Management Strategy.  

If you would like to know more about the project or get involved become a member ofOzFishonline at contact 1800 431 308.   


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About us:

About OzFish


OzFish Unlimited is a national environmental conservation charity established to improve the health of our rivers, lakes and estuaries. It is a member-based organisation dedicated to make our fishing grounds healthy, vibrant and more productive. Their active work includes; habitat restoration such as resnagging, riverbank planting, clean-ups, fishways, shellfish reefs and educational and community capacity building programs.

Contact details:

Jonathon Bleakley – OzFish Unlimited Media Manager | 0402171914 



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