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Be a Koala Hero during Save the Koala Month!

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September is almost here and that means it is nearly time to celebrate Save the Koala Month. This annual event is an opportunity to raise awareness about the need to protect koalas and their habitats and to take action to save help them. The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) invites everyone to join them in celebrating … Continued

Iceland cancels commercial whaling this season on animal welfare grounds, hailed as ‘a major milestone in compassionate whale conservation’ by HSI/Europe

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BRUSSELS (20th June 2023)―As news breaks that Iceland has cancelled this season’s commercial whaling on animal welfare grounds, global animal protection charity Humane Society International says it is thrilled and relieved at the announcement that will spare hundreds of whales from agonising deaths and urges the Icelandic government to make it a permanent ban.     … Continued

The Australian Veterinary Association launches national psychological health and safety program to positively impact industry mental health and wellbeing.

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The peak professional body for veterinarians, the  Australian Veterinary Association (AVA),  announced the THRIVE Cultivating Safe Teams pilot program during their annual conference in Adelaide this week. “The importance of psychological health and safety in the workplace cannot be underestimated. Mentally healthy people and workplaces are good for animal welfare, staff productivity, staff retention and … Continued

The Duck Stops Here: Economic Benefits from Vic Duck Shooting Ban

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Victoria’s parliamentary inquiry into native bird hunting arrangements will hold hearings today, with The Australia Institute appearing at 11.30am. The Australia Institute’s submission outlines the economic case for a ban on duck and quail hunting. Key points: Just 11,000 Victorians hunted ducks in 2022, representing 0.17% of the population. Polling shows that 88% of Victorians are concerned about the … Continued