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Tasmanian government backflips on measures to protect depleted fish species

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The Australia Institute Tasmania is calling on the Tasmanian government to keep in place protections for depleted fish populations. The Tasmanian government has today announced a backflip on planned measures to rebuild depleted fish populations managed under the Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery. Instead, the government has reopened consultation on the rule changes until September 25 and … Continued

Intergenerational Report: Burden of climate inaction will weigh heavily on future generations in every sector

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 23, 2023   With Treasury’s Intergenerational Report to be released tomorrow, revealing the impact of today’s economic decisions on future generations, Australian Parents for Climate Action (AP4CA) is urging leaders to keep the cost of climate inaction at the centre of all decisions.   AP4CA CEO Nic Seton said unless decision makers … Continued

Coffee offers performance boost for concrete

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Engineers in Australia have found a way of making stronger concrete with roasted used-coffee grounds, to give the drink-additive a “double shot” at life and reduce waste going to landfills. Lead author Dr Rajeev Roychand from RMIT University said the team developed a technique to make concrete 30% stronger by turning waste coffee grounds into … Continued

Media alert – AFAC Fire Outlook: Emergency Leaders for Climate Action available to provide comment

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Tomorrow (Wednesday 23 August), AFAC will release the seasonal bushfire outlook for spring 2023, at 11am AEST.   The following Emergency Leaders for Climate Action are available to provide comment on the outlook:    – Greg Mullins, Former Commissioner of Fire & Rescue NSW  – Major General Peter Dunn, Former Commissioner, ACT Emergency Services Authority … Continued

Three more cycleway projects get rolling in Sydney

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Families, workers and students will soon have more opportunities to safely get around Sydney after Council unanimously endorsed design concepts for three new cycleway projects.   Running along O’Dea Avenue in Waterloo, Wellington Street in Zetland and connecting riders between Ultimo and Surry Hills through the city centre – the projects will link to existing … Continued

Calls to abandon cruel brumby culls. Advocates outraged as new science proves culls are unnecessary

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Recent scientific advances in understanding impacts of brumbies and control in environmental conservation in the Victorian Alpine Park, should have profound implications for public policy relating to brumbies and their management in Victoria. There has been no past peer reviewed research directly relating to impact by brumbies in the Australian Alpine Park and parks managers … Continued

Flawed population counts challenged to stop brumby cull

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The NSW Government recently announced plans to shoot brumbies in the Kosciuszko National Park, relying on population surveys prepared for the Australian Alps Liaison  Committee.(AALC). The current management plan allows up to 3,000 brumbies in the park, and the NSW Government claim there are between 14,000 and 23,000 brumbies  relying on reports prepared for the … Continued