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Monash expert: Was our COVID pandemic response justified?

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The public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic included a range of contentious personal and public restrictions including long lockdowns imposed on schools and businesses.Now, a new book titled Pandemic Societies by Alan Petersen is critically examining these public health management strategies and considering what future pandemics may bring, including the expansion of technologies of … Continued

Vaccine Wastage Costs Australia Over $22 Million Each Year – A Breakthrough Solution Emerges

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The Australian Government spends approximately $446 million per year buying vaccines for the National Immunisation Program Schedule (NIP) – but approximately $22.3 million is lost annually due to cold-chain breaches, according to figures from the World Health Organisation (WHO). Cold-chain breaches occur when the recommended storage temperature range of between 2°C and 5°C degrees for … Continued

PSS Distributors and Vacc-Safe Unveil Industry-First Vaccine Refrigerator with Built-in Battery Backup For Uninterrupted Cold-Chain Compliance Even in Power Outages

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PSS Distributors and Vacc-Safe Unveil Industry-First Vaccine Refrigerator with Built-in Battery Backup, Ensuring Uninterrupted Cold-Chain Compliance Even in Power Outages PSS Distributors, a leading innovator in Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) technology, has collaborated with medical cold-storage manufacturer Vacc-Safe to launch Vacc-Safe PowerGuard – Australia’s first vaccine refrigerator with a built-in UPS battery backup. This innovative … Continued

Constitutional complaint brought against Federal Court Judge for concealing pharma connections

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 22 March 2024: A complaint filed with the Federal Court Chief Justice Debra Mortimer today alleges that Federal Court judge, her Honour Justice Helen Rofe, concealed her connections to Pfizer and the pharmaceutical industry before dismissing a case, to Pfizer’s advantage. The complaint was filed by law firm PJ O’Brien … Continued

Chronic fatigue condition offers clues to Long COVID

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New research by La Trobe University has uncovered the intricate relationship between two debilitating conditions, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Long COVID; offering insights into disease pathologies and potential treatment avenues. The review article, Unravelling shared mechanisms: insights from recent ME/CFS research to illuminate long COVID pathologies, studied both diseases in tandem to unlock … Continued

Funding awarded for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis research

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Two of La Trobe University’s leading Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) researchers were awarded grants worth $720,000 to conduct further studies into the condition. The funding from the Mason Foundation, announced today, will help find solutions to ME, also referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome. Two of La Trobe University’s projects were selected for funding from the … Continued

COVID’s drinking spike: working mums say ‘we were all stuffed’

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New studies by La Trobe University have shed light on the impact of additional responsibilities women assumed by ‘default’ during the COVID-19 pandemic, influencing a spike in drinking among working mothers. Participants noted the lack of control they felt over their everyday lives and drinking as they juggled working from home, parenting, household, and teaching … Continued