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Can ChatGPT flag potential terrorists? Study uses automated tools and AI to profile violent extremists

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Technology such as ChatGPT could play a complementary role and help profile terrorists and identify the likelihood of them engaging in extremist activity, according to a groundbreaking study which could make anti-terrorism efforts more efficient.  Charles Darwin University (CDU) researchers fed 20 post-9/11 public statements made by international terrorists to software Linguistic Inquiry and Word … Continued

Critical shortage of AFP officers a grave concern

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The critical shortage of police officers across Australia, as reported today, is a particularly acute problem in the Australian Federal Police, where officers are relatively underpaid compared to other jurisdictions.  AFP Association President Alex Caruana: “AFP officers are overworked and under-resourced and the situation has reached a tipping point. It’s now at a point where … Continued

RocketDNA selected to supply WA Police’s Drone Program

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29 August 2024, RocketDNA Ltd (ASX:RKT) (RocketDNA or the Company), a technology service company that leverages AI and Autonomous Drones to provide mission-critical services for enterprise customers, is pleased to announce that it has been selected, via a public tender process, to supply the Western Australia Police Force (WAPOL) with drone-in-a-box systems for the development … Continued

Strong link between gambling expenditure and crime: new study

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The more Australians spend on poker machines, the higher the crime rate. This is the key finding to emerge from a landmark study of gambling and crime published in the prestigious journal Addiction. The authors of the study found that each 10 per cent increase in gambling expenditure in NSW results in more than: 4,500 … Continued