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World’s Top Ocean Paddlers “Dash for Cash” At Sorrento Beach tomorrow: Three-heat knockout series attracts internationally renowned paddlers vying for $15,000 in prize money

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Key points: “Dash for Cash” ocean paddling race brings world’s best athletes to Sorrento Beach this Friday  Event offers competitors the chance to win $15,000 in prize money from a pool of +$180,000 earmarked for the wider WA Race Week series  Major participating athletes include London Olympic gold medallist Murray Stewart, Paris Olympian Riley Fitzsimmons,  current … Continued

Health professionals join coal port blockade

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Health professionals will join climate activists this weekend at the People’s Blockade of Newcastle coal port. They will spend 30 hours in canoes on the water, blocking shore access to all coal-carrying ships to the world’s largest coal port. “Coal is dangerous for human health” said Public Health Professor, Dr Linda Selvey. “Burning fossil fuels … Continued

Brave new workplace: the future of hybrid working

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Are the CEOs of the world right in predicting that workers will be back in the office full-time by 2026? Not according to UNSW Sydney researcher Iva Durakovic. In October KPMG released a report stating that 64 per cent of global CEOs predict a complete return to in-office working by 2026. The CEOs cited linking raises … Continued

New research shows Legal Aid on the brink of failure amid rising demand

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A new report has warned Australia’s already-strapped legal aid sector is under severe pressure from rising demand and needs urgent increased funding to continue delivering vital services for the community. The Impact Economics Justice on the Brink report commissioned by National Legal Aid found $484 million in funding per year is required to meet unmet … Continued

Media alert: Gendered violence in universities – Patty Kinnersly available for interview

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   Today Federal Education Minister Jason Clare released the draft Action Plan, Addressing gender-based violence in higher education.  Patty Kinnersly, Expert Advisor to the Education Minister’s Commonwealth-led Universities Accord governance Working Group and Our Watch CEO is available for interview to discuss the key actions to end the high rates of violence against students and staff … Continued

New National Cyber Security Strategy will strengthen Australia’s resilience

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A cyber security expert is available to talk to media about the Australia’s new 2023–2030 National Cyber Security Strategy, which was handed down today.  Professor Matthew Warren, Director of the RMIT Centre for Cyber Security Research and Innovation   Topics: cyber security, cyber crime and threats, Australian Cyber Security Strategy  “Over ten years ago Australia … Continued

How Sydney’s media shaped the Metro – and continues to do so

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A new book by UNSW Sydney academic Dr Nicholas Richardson reveals the media’s influence around Sydney’s Metro development, which has led to a city transport network shaped by election promises over comprehensive planning. In researching his book, News Media Influence on Rail Infrastructure Policy: Tracing Mediatization Through Actor–Network Theory, Dr Nicholas Richardson, a lecturer in Media in the … Continued

La Trobe launches world-class Digital Innovation Hub to supercharge skills and industry

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  Media Release  22 NOVEMBER 2023 La Trobe University has today welcomed the Hon Gayle Tierney MP, Minister for Skills and TAFE, who opened the world-class Digital Innovation Hub. In partnership with global technology leaders Cisco and Optus, the Digital Innovation Hub is a state-of-the art innovation precinct, which offers unprecedented technological capability for greater … Continued