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Immigration package is unsustainable and misleads the public

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Too little too late: immigration tweaks welcome but results will be far from sustainable   SPA Media Release,  11th December 2023   Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) says that, while some aspects of the migration reform package are welcome and long overdue, it falls short in reducing migration to a sustainable level. Home Affairs Minister Clare … Continued

Govt mustn’t use migration as cover for housing crisis

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Statement from Everybody’s Home spokesperson Maiy Azize on the federal government’s changes to the migration strategy: “The federal government is using migration as cover for Australia’s housing crisis. The real cause is decades of government policy that has pushed up the cost of housing. “Governments have given handouts to investors, allowed unlimited rent increases, and … Continued

Media Statement – Australian Red Cross welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement of the new Forced Marriage Specialist Support Program

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Statement attributable to Australian Red Cross Trafficking Lead, Lina Garcia-Daza: Australian Red Cross welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement of the new Forced Marriage Specialist Support Program as an important new initiative that gives effect to the First Action Plan under the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032. In our role to reduce … Continued

New guide offers billion dollar solution to tech talent gap

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  Report finds recognising refugees’ and migrants’ skills would boost economy.    An employer guide released today outlines ten tips employers can take to fill the growing tech skills gap by maximising employment opportunities for skilled refugee and migrant professionals, who are an untapped solution to the rapidly growing tech skills gap.   The Billion Dollar … Continued

Over one thousand new names added to the National Monument to Migration

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The Australian National Maritime Museum today adds 1,040 names to the National Monument to Migration today, unveiled over two celebratory ceremonies at the museum in Pyrmont, Sydney. Attended by hundreds of family, friends and community members, the ceremonies will feature guest speakers – including Dodzi Kpodo, a refugee from Ghana Africa, and winner of The Fathering Awards Australian … Continued

UNSW expert available to comment on new asylum seeker claim process

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Associate Professor Daniel Ghezelbash is Deputy Director of UNSW’s Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law. Ghezelbash holds a DECRA grant to research ‘Fast Track Asylum Procedures: Balancing Fairness and Efficiency’ (2022 – 2025). He is an expert in the data and qualitative evidence around this issue and is available to talk about the asylum seeker claim process changes.  Contact details: Kate … Continued

Aged care workforce shortages to be examined by the Migration Committee

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Workforce shortages in the aged care sector and the role migration can play in helping to ease them will take centre stage at the final public hearing of the Joint Standing Committee on Migration’s Migration, Pathway to Nation Building inquiry tomorrow. Committee Chair, Maria Vamvakinou MP, said ‘Australia is an ageing society experiencing ever-increasing demands on its aged … Continued

New research highlights common bond between refugees and Australia’s First Nations peoples

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Parallel experiences create a common bond between refugees and First Nations people living in Australia, according to ground-breaking new research released today by non-profit SSI and Western Sydney University.   This shared bond makes refugees and First Nations communities natural allies in progressing reconciliation and in steps towards the proposed Voice to Parliament. However, more needs … Continued

Intergenerational Report reinforces need for forward-looking immigration strategies to bolster Australia’s future

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  Today’s release of the 2023 Intergenerational Report (IGR) shows the important role migration plays in sustaining the health of Australia’s ageing nation and the importance of long-term planning to strengthen the country’s migration system.   SSI, a non-profit-organisation providing human services to around 50,000 people a year, said the projections from the IGR reaffirm … Continued

Settlement Services International Expert (SSI) : Migration

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General Manager Newcomers, Settlement and Integration, Yamamah Agha, is available to respond to questions on the role of migration in relation to today’s Intergenerational Report.   Yamamah Agha:  Yamamah Agha provides strategic leadership for all settlement programs at not-for-profit organisation Settlement Services International (SSI), which supports more than 50,00 migrants, refugees, and other vulnerable Australians to prosper each … Continued