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Australia’s increased risk of severe bushfires and their impact on first responders’ health

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A Monash University-led study of emergency responders’ workers compensation claims from exposure to extreme bushfires (Black Saturday bushfires in 2009 and the Black Summer fires of 2019 and 2020) found associations with mental health disorders and head injuries. With a changing climate Australia is experiencing more frequent and intense bushfires, and combined with an ageing … Continued

Increase in youth suicidality linked to hotter temperatures, study finds

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Hot weather has been linked to an increase in suicidal thoughts and behaviours among young Australians, new research shows, prompting calls for an overhaul of public health approaches to higher temperatures.  The number of young people in NSW presenting to hospitals for suicidal thoughts and behaviours rises with the temperature, a new analysis of emergency … Continued

Safety and security: study shines light on factors behind refugees’ resilience

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It’s time to focus on mental health strategies that lean into refugees’ strengths, UNSW psychologists say. A systematic review led by UNSW Professor Angela Nickerson has identified several strong factors that are associated with better mental health outcomes among refugee adults. “While exposure to persecution, war and displacement is associated with high rates of psychological … Continued

1 in 2 Parents Worried About Their Teen’s Wellbeing

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WEDNESDAY, 23 OCTOBER 2024: Australian teenagers are grappling with unprecedented mental health challenges, with new research1 from HCF, Australia’s largest not-for-profit health fund, showing nearly half of parents are noticing troubling changes in their children’s emotional wellbeing.   The survey, conducted by YouGov, found 49% of parents with high school-aged children reported concerns over their … Continued

Parents can learn mindfulness to reduce family stress and create stronger relationships

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Mindfulness is an evidence-based practice that can help people to become calmer, more focused and better manage stress in their lives.  Now, parents can learn mindfulness techniques to help them form stronger connections with their children and create calmer, happier and more balanced homes. Parenting and caregiving can be challenging in today’s fast-paced world, as parents … Continued

Women’s Health in the South East calls for stronger gender focus in mental health strategies

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Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) welcomes the Victorian Government’s Suicide Prevention and Response Strategy (2024-2034) and the Victorian Eating Disorders Strategy (2024-2031). While these represent important progress, WHISE urges the government to integrate a gender-transformative approach that acknowledges the profound impact of gender inequality on mental health and wellbeing. “It is essential that … Continued