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ATO welcomes SGSP (Australia) Assets Pty Ltd (Jemena) settlement

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The ATO welcomes the announcement from SGSP (Australia) Assets Pty Ltd (SGSPAA) (trading as Jemena) to the Singapore Exchange. The settlement shows the ATO’s continued commitment to maintaining the integrity of the tax system by working with multinationals to ensure they are complying with their tax obligations. The settlement resolves the dispute in relation to … Continued

Raids uncover illegal sales suppression technology

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The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has conducted a number of raids as part of its continued focus on businesses suspected of using, manufacturing or supplying electronic sales suppression tools (ESSTs) to avoid paying tax. ESSTs or software attached to a point-of-sale system are designed to alter transaction records and avoid paying tax. It has been … Continued

Commissioner’s address to the National Press Club 2024

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Commissioner of Taxation Chris Jordan, AO Address to the National Press Club of Australia 21 February 2024 (Check against delivery) Introduction Good afternoon. It’s a pleasure to be here. Although I do approach this speech with some trepidation as the last time I spoke here 7 years ago, I was sued for defamation. But I can’t … Continued

How to identify and support women facing economic abuse

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The findings of a recent paper, Identifying and supporting financially vulnerable women experiencing economic abuse: a grounded theory approach conducted by researchers at the UNSW Tax and Business Advisory Clinic, have revealed a concerning trend. The study found that 58 per cent of financially vulnerable women seeking pro bono tax services have experienced domestic and family violence. … Continued

Kooyong, Mackellar and Wentworth voters back Labor’s Stage 3 changes

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EMBARGOED until Thursday, 8 February 2024 Voters across the independent seats of Kooyong, Mackellar and Wentworth are strongly supportive of the Albanese Government’s changes to the Stage 3 tax cuts, according to new research from the Australia Institute. Key Findings: On behalf of The Australia Institute, uComms surveyed residents of Kooyong, Mackellar and Wentworth on … Continued

Nationals voters the biggest winners from Stage 3

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Media release | Tuesday, 6 February 2023 The electorates slated to gain the most from changes to the State 3 cuts are those held by National Party MPs, according to a new analysis from the Australia Institute.  It shows the average taxpayer across the Coalition partner’s electorates will keep an extra $326 a year. Broken … Continued

PwC compliance breach update

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PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has released its second Compliance Report in response to orders issued by the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) in November 2022. To comply with the TPB’s order, PwC must take specific actions to improve its conflict of interest management and report to the TPB every 6 months. The latest report documents PwC’s progress on implementing improvements to ensure compliance with the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 and Code of … Continued

ATO launches free online learning support for small businesses

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The ATO has launched a new online learning platform offering free courses to help small business owners master their tax and super obligations. The ‘Essentials to strengthen your small business’ website includes more than 20 short courses and a calendar of key lodgment due dates to support small businesses. Deputy Commissioner Will Day said the … Continued